Science is the systematic classification of experience-George Henry Lewes (1817-78).
Department of Microbiology of B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad is a multidisciplinary unit consisting of Bacteriology, Virology, Mycology,Serology,Parasitologysection etc. The laboratory facilities include state of the artFACSCaliburfor FlowCytometrySystem, BACT/ALERT, real time PCR, conventional PCR, Virus cell cultureand conventional microbiological tools for diagnostic services and research activities. The Department plays key role in the infection control programme of Civil Hospital Ahmedabad. Teaching is an integral part of thedepartmentalacademic activity.The department imparts the knowledgeto theundergraduate students aboutthe infectious diseases in terms of their etiology, pathogenesis, and laboratory diagnosis in order to efficiently treat, prevent and control the disease.Post Graduate courses are conducted for award of M.D. and PhD degree in microbiology.
To develop competencies, pertaining to medical and diagnostic Microbiology that required to be practiced in health care delivery system.
Establish and practice “laboratory medicine” for diagnosis of infectious diseases in hospitals and community in the field of bacteriology, virology, parasitology, immunology, serology and mycology.
Update with the recent advances in the field of medical microbiology and apply this knowledge in understanding etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of the emerging diseases caused by microorganisms.
Carry out basic or applied research in the branches of medicines involving microbiological work including epidemiology.
Undertake teaching assignments in the subject of Microbiology for medical and paramedical fraternity.
Strengthen the epidemiological surveillance network across the state and country in collaboration with Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Gujarat.
Strengthen infection control practices and promote rational use of antimicrobials through antimicrobial stewardship activities
To implement various national health programme.
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
Man has evolved, so also the microbes. The diseases that were caused by infectious agents were firmly established in the 19thcentury and that founded the discipline of microbiology. Knowledge on microbiology changed the world and helped human progressin many means.The medical microbiologyis a branch of medicineconcerned with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. In addition, this field of science include study of various microbes for the improvement of health. The communication between the microbiology laboratory and clinicians remains the most important aspect of patient care.For a medical undergraduate student, sound knowledge of the subject with competency and understanding of the principles and their application in clinical context is very crucial in current CBME curriculum.We try and help students learn important concepts of microbiology in patient care setting.
I wish youall to put your best efforts in learning microbiology and applying it synergistically to provide optimal care to patients.
For -IPD services-Microbiology Department, 2ndFloor B.J. Medical College, Civil Hospital Campus, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
For OPD Services-Room number 118, OPD Building, Civil Hospital Campus, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
For –Inservice Patient Services-IPD- 9:00 A.M. To 5.00 P.M. Monday to Friday and Saturday 9:00 A.M. To 1.00 P.M.
Out Patient Department Services-OPD-9:00 A.M. To 5.00 P.M. Monday to Friday and Saturday 9:00 A.M. To 1.00 P.M.
After routine hours, Emergency Services are provided at Emergency Microbiology Laboratory Civil Hospital Campus.
Sections of Microbiology Department:
Bacteriology laboratory
Virology laboratory
Parasitology laboratory
Tuberculosis laboratory
Mycology laboratory
OPD Microbiology laboratory
Research laboratory
HIV Testing laboratory
ICTC Center
Emergency Microbiologylaboratory
Sterilization Room
Decontamination Room
Practical Class
Seminar Room
Demonstration Room
Lecture hall
Microbiology Department- List of Diagnostic Services Offered
Bacteriology laboratory
Culture and sensitivity of various specimens,Gram stain, ZN stain, Albert Stain, Culture for OT and ICU surveillance
Virology laboratory
Dengue, Chikungunya &Leptospira antigen/antibody estimation, H1N1, Dengue, COVID-19 Detection By rRTPCR. Viral load of HBV & HCV
HBsAg Detection, Anti HBc IgM Antibody, HBe antigen Detection, S.WIDAL,R.P.R, TPHA, ASO, CRPRA Test , HAV, HCV, HEV IgM antibody Detection,TORCH (Toxoplasma, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus & Herpes Simplex virus) & CD4 Cell Count for HIV positive patients.
Parasitology laboratory
Stool Examination for Parasites & Stain
Mycology laboratory
Fungal Microscopy, Fungal Culture, Cryptococcal antigen detection.
OPD Microbiology Laboratory
Peripheral Smear for Detection ofMalarial Parasite, HIV antibody Testing, HBsAg Detection, S.WIDAL,R.P.R, TPHA, ASO, CRP & RA Test
Research laboratory
Polio Virus Isolation- Cell Culture and ITD, Measles & Rubella IgM antibody estimation & Molecular identification, Environmental surveillance for Polio virus & SARS- CoV-2 virus, Identification of Diphtheria and Pertussis (VPD surveillance project)
HIV testing laboratory
HIV antibody testing, State Reference Center for HIV I & HIV–II infection, State Reference Laboratory -For ICTCs & Blood Banks
Emergency laboratory
HIV, HBsAg and HCV Detection, Peripheral Smear for Detection of Malarial Parasite,Culture and sensitivity of various specimens,Gram stain, ZN stain, Albert Stain, Parasitological Examination, Culture for OT surveillance, Stool for Microscopy- Vibrio Cholerae
Excellent undergraduate, postgraduate and paramedical teaching by audio-visual aids, departmental library, and very good museum with catalogues, models, charts.
o Postgraduates
o PhD Microbiology
o Physiotherapy
o Occupational Therapy
Seminar club/Journal club
Research projects
Participation in:
Investigation and diagnosis of Epidemics/Outbreaks/emerging infectious diseases
Infection Control Programme of hospital
Quality Assurance Programme and NABL accreditation activity
· Internal Quality Control
· Interlaboratory comparison for Quality Assurance:
o Ahmedabad Interlaboratory Comparison Group (AILC) – Quality Assurance Forum, Ahmedabad
· External quality assurance scheme
o HIV& CD4testing –National AIDS Research Institute (NARI) Pune
o Microbiology & serology-Indian Association of Medical Microbiologist (IAMM)- New Delhi
o AMR-National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) & CMC, Vellore
o Dengue, chikungunya serology and H1N1, COVID 19-ICMR, NIV, Pune
o Polio and Measles Molecular/ serology – CDC / WHO
o Diphtheria and pertussis Culture, Identification ,Toxin detection by Eleks gel precipitation test and PCR- CMC Vellore
Advanced Technologies:
Flow Cytometry-CD4 testing
Molecular Diagnostics for viral diseases: *
H1N1 flu,
Dengue Testing and typing
*First in Gujarat to establish the facilities for molecular testing
State ReferenceLaboratory for:
HIV testing
NVBDCP (Dengue and Chikungunyatesting)
Diagnosis of diseases under Integrated Disease Surveillance Project-IDSP
Viral Research & Diagnostic Laboratory (VRDL)
National Programmes:
National Polio Surveillance ProjectUnder Global Polio Eradication Project-End game strategy
Measles and Rubella surveillance Programme
National AIDS Control Programme- -ICTC, PPTCT, ART Center, Sentinel Surveillance
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme
Japanese Encephalitis
Achievements of Department:
National Accreditation for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)-Department of Science and Technology, India – Accreditation for various Microbiology & infectious diseases Serological testing since 2010 and Molecular testing including COVID-19 RT PCR. Total numbers of accredited scope increased to 45 in year 2021.
WHO Accreditation-Polio laboratory -One of the seven National laboratories accredited by WHO, Under Global Polio Eradication Project-End game strategy.
WHO Accreditation-Measles laboratory -One of the National laboratories accredited by WHO, National Measles and Rubella Surveillance Programs.
WHO Approved Diphtheria and Pertussis laboratory
Firstin Gujarat to establish the diagnostic facilities in Microbiology Department for theH1N1 flutesting by rRT PCR
Firstin Gujarat to establish the diagnostic facilities in Microbiology Department for COVID-19 Diagnosis by rRT PCR method serving the whole state of Gujarat during the pandemic.
State Reference laboratory for HIV 2 testing
Validation center of rapid antigen test for COVID-19: Only one in Gujarat for Validation of rapid antigen test for diagnosis of COVID-19 under ICMR
Quality Control lab for COVID -19 RT PCR testing for Gujarat state
One of the 35 network laboratory for National Programme containment of Antimicrobial resistance by National Center for Diseases Control Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
National antifungal surveillance network: Consented for the participation in National antifungal surveillance network by NCDC Delhi from year 2021-2022
Nodal center for the State for the Human Node Antimicrobial Resistance, Superbugs, One Health and State Action Plan for combating AMR
A course of lectures, demonstrations, practical skills in microbiologyare taught over period of three semesters (1 year).
Teaching Learning Methods:
Structured interactive sessions
Small group discussion
Practical including demonstrations
Problem based exercises
Clinical case studies
Learning Resource Materials:
Text books recommended
Textbook of Essentials of Medical Microbiology by Apurba S Sashtry, Sandhya Bhat
Textbook of Microbiology by Anantnarayan & Panikar
Textbook of Microbiology by Chakraborty
Textbook of Microbiology by D R Arora
Textbook of Microbiology by C P Baveja
Textbook of Parasitology by Chatterjee
Textbook of Parasitology by D R Arora
Textbook of Parasitology by R Bhatia & R L Ichpujani
Textbook of Microbiology by JawetzReference books
Practical journals
Theory and Practical, SGD, SDL, IT and Tutorials
II/I Term
General Microbiology
Hospital Infection Control
II/II Term
Bloodstream and Cardiovascular System Infection
Gastrointestinal (GI) Infections
Hepatobilliary System Infections
Skin, Soft Tissue & Musculoskeletal System Infections
Respiratory Tract Infections
Central Nervous System Infections
Urogenital Tract Infections
Other Infective Syndromes and Infections
National Health Programmes for Communicable Diseases
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technicians-DMLT, Physiotherapy, Microbiology, curriculum
Theoryand Practical
General Microbiology
Systemic Bacteriology
Infection Control
Hospital Waste Management
Recent advances
Internal Examination Marks scheme:
Theory Practical
Internal examination 30 30
Preliminary examination 30 30
Formative evaluation 40 40
Total 100 100
External-University examination scheme:
Theory (Paper Distribution):
Paper 1: Sterilization & disinfection; Diagnostic methods in Microbiology laboratory; Hospital infection; Epidemiology & national programme; Emerging infectious disease; Antimicrobial resistance; Culture media & methods; Immunology (basics & applied); General properties of bacteria, virus, parasites & fungus; Introducing morphology, physiology, classification& genetics; Infection & host organism interaction; zoonotic disease; AETCOM (Module 2.4, 2.8)
Paper 2: CVS & blood stream infections & related diseases; Gastrointestinal (GI) and Hepatobilliary System Infections & related diseases; Skin, Soft Tissue & Musculoskeletal System Infections; Central Nervous System Infection; Respiratory tract infections; Genitourinary & Sexually transmitted infections; Opportunistic infections; Oncogenic viruses
Structure Of Question Paper:
Paper 1 & 2:
Section I
Q.1 Structured long question Any 1 out of 2 1x10= 10 marks
Q.2(a) Case based scenario/Applied short notes Any 2out of 3 2 x 6 = 12 marks
Q.2(b) Write short notes on Any 3 out of 4 3 x 6 = 18 marks
Q.3 Answer only in 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of 6 5 x 2 =10 marks
Section II
Q.4 Structured long question Any 1 out of 2 1x10= 10 marks
Q.5(a) Write short notes on Any 2 out of 3 2 x 6 = 12 marks
Q.5(b) Write short notes on Any 3 out of 4 3 x 6 = 18 marks
Q.6 Answer only in 2-3 Sentences Any 5 out of 6 5 x 2 =10 marks
Total Duration: 3 hours
Marks distribution:
Paper 1100 marks
Paper 2100 marks
Total200 marks
Practical Marks Distribution:
Oral viva (Clinical case-based questions + table viva) 30 marks
Exercise 1: Bacteriology staining (Gram / Zn stain) 20 marks
Exercise 2: Infection control practice 15 marks
Exercise 3: Parasitology exercise (Stool and Blood Parasite) 20 marks
Exercise 4: Interpretational exercise (Clinical case based) 15 marks
Total 100 marks